With a background as a professional dancer, master bodyworker (35+ years) and intimacy & relationship coach, Thomas helps people transform their lives. He is a perpetual student of many modalities, including: Embodied Intimacy, Trager Bodywork, Belly2Belly, Deep Tissue, Aquatic Bodywork and is Certified in Somatic Sex Education, Structural Integration, NeuroMuscular Therapy, and as a SkyDancing Tantra Teacher & Coach.
People have referred to Thomas as “Kinesthetically Brilliant.” Touch is his language of relating and he can read subtle ways in which the body communicates. His deep acceptance and lack of phobias or judgements allow him to be open to all kinds of different people. He finds pleasure in watching the changes that occur and to really help people move to a new level. Many of his clients have worked with talk therapy for years and have made limited progress. By working with Thomas, clients make significant progress in a short time.

All my life I've been an explorer. I never really knew what I was exploring at the time, but when I look back, I can see that's what I was doing. I started out in Pre Veterinary Medicine, switched to philosophy and then landed in the world of ballet and modern dance. Before my study of dance, I was not very coordinated. Dance helped me become embodied.
Towards the end of my dance career, I started giving massages because all the other dancers found out I had good hands and were asking me to work with them. Before I knew it, I was seeing 20-30 clients a week, teaching classes at a local massage school and operating a business with employees.
My journey with helping people explore new realms of healing began about 9 years ago when Sara and I attended a number of SkyDancing Tantra & Somatic Sex Education Workshops in California and British Columbia. We saw the value of this work in our personal lives and decided to bring it to Minnesota.
I now combine all the modalities I've learned into a massage my clients have nick named "3 Dimensional Bodywork". In these sessions, my client and I move, twist and arch, sometimes on the table, sometimes off the table.
It's an ecstatic experience for both of us and I love working with people who are ready for this kind of exploration.
Invite the stress to melt away under my warm strong hands. Let yourself be cared for by a man.

Aside from one-on-one work with private clients in many modalities, Thomas coaches individuals and couples to live more ecstatically and authentically.
He also leads personal growth workshops for larger groups nationally and internationally with a focus on empowering people to step into personal transformation.
"Choose with awareness that which brings you joy, for the purpose of expansion."
~ Margot Anand
Let's Connect!
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