SkyDancing Tantra Online Immersion


November 5-20, 2022!

Inspired from the enthusiasm and GREAT SUCCESS of our previous SkyDancing Tantra Online Immersion,

we are answering your call to continue to share the love!




Experience Tantra, live from the comfort of your own living room

You have the power to accelerate your spiritual growth through the practice of Tantra.

Everyone benefits from these rich proposals, whether new, returning, or advanced.

Tantra is the best shortcut to actualizing your sovereignty; your freedom to be, think, and do what is right for you.



16 Days of Immersion

WEEK 1 – November 5 ~ 11


Experience the core teachings and philosophy of SkyDancing Tantra from Margot Anand and her select teachers. They call Margot the Grandmother of Tantra, but don’t be fooled — thanks to these teachings, she has more life force energy than most people in their twenties!

Discover the 3 Tantric keys that bring more pleasure & joy into your daily life

Develop masterful listening skills and the ability to hold space for others with loving compassion while honoring your boundaries

On week days: strenghten your tantric skills – Morning awakening practices – Evening group gatherings – Social events, chat and relax – Personal support and coaching

©Thankas by Romio Shrestra



WEEK 2 – November 12 ~ 18


Expand your experience of self-love as we explore what it means to love & honor every aspect of yourself.

Transform old, limiting conditioning. When you are witnessed in your vulnerability, you’ll naturally begin to acknowledge and access your true confidence from within.

Experience the power of the Quantum Light Breath, with master Richard Bock. This is an active meditation known for its ability to facilitate emotional release, deep healing, and transcendence.

Create more space within to feel a greater sense of pleasure, vibrancy, and freedom.



WEEKEND 3 – November 19, 20


Deepen your practice, reflect on your journey, and celebrate your discoveries!

Experience the depth and beauty of Tantric ritual.

Process and integrate the wisdom and transformation cultivated over the past three weeks

Receive hands-on guidance on how to move forward and integrate what you’ve learned into your life ahead

Sunday January 23rd: Closing day. Integration and individual support



Join us

November 5-20, 2022!

Come experience this spectacular online immersion to engage inward
and in the international SkyDancing Tantra community

Click here to Register